Little Wanderers Morning Time: A Year-Long Gentle Morning Time Routine


Morning time is a beautiful way to begin your homeschool day. For every family, morning time looks a little different. Some families choose to complete their morning time over breakfast, some have a small snack plate and gather together on the couch, some sit down together before jumping into their school day.

For Little Wanderers, we have put together various areas that we think are helpful to start the day and get your family ready to learn. All our poetry and folk songs are an extension to our desire to focus homes on multicultural education.Morning time should take no longer than 15-20 minutes a day.

In the Little Wanderers Morning Time program you'll find:

-12 different folk songs from around the world with a dedicated play list
-12 poems to learn with your child
-Monthly booklists with just under 200 books
-Suggestions and scheduling recommendations for chapter books

Our morning time program is faith neutral, we discuss different religious holidays within the book recommendations, but we do not share or promote a one particular religion within the program.

This simple, Charlotte Mason inspired morning time routine is meant to be a gentle introduction to homeschool routines.

This morning time is meant to be a sweet moment to gather together and enjoy the start of your day. We hope it brings you so much joy in your home.

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