The Little Years: A Parent Guide to the Charlotte Mason Method for Preschool and Kindergarten


Charlotte Mason believed that for the first six years of a child's life, the parents should work to preserve their child's wonder and shelter them from educational and social pressure. She called this period of time in a child's life their "quiet growing time". She advocated for no normal lessons before the age of six.

If we're not pushing academics and sheltering them from outside pressures, what should we be doing?

The Little Years Parent Guide is not a homeschool curriculum. It is a guide to what Charlotte Mason believed the early education of a child should look like.

This guide pulls from Mason’s writings across her volumes, PNEU articles, and examples left for us in the PNEU schools.

In it you’ll find the list of attainments for a child of the age of 6, subject break downs of the education of a young child, habit training information, resources, reading recommendations, and journaling pages.

I hope this guide helps you secure a quiet growing time for your child, the Charlotte Mason way.

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