A Gentle Charlotte Mason Morning Time Routine
Our gentle, Charlotte Mason inspired morning time routine
Mistakes I Made With My Advanced, Early Reader
Mistakes I made with my early, advanced reader
5 Chapter Books To Read With Your Toddler or Preschooler
Navigating Difficult Literature With A Highly Sensitive Child
Social Media Consent With My Young Children
Respecting my daughter’s decision to remain private on social media
Break Week in our Charlotte Mason Homeschool
Reading Holes Aloud with my Third Grader
Following the Rabbit Trails in Holes by Lewis Sacher with my third grader
Homeschooling With a Large Age Gap
Tips for homeschooling when you have a toddler and a large age gap
Socializing a Highly Social Homeschool Kid
Modifying Ambleside Online: Splitting Year 4 into Two Years
How and why we decided to split Ambleside year 4 into two years to better fit the needs of our family.